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You are formally invited to the royal ball…to become the
husband to the king!
King Charles of Lysianna needs a
husband and fast. He’s up against the biggest time crunch of all—a
royal decree stating he must marry or lose the crown. It’s already
December and he’s running out of time. Throwing a royal ball to find
a suitable man for the role of husband seems like the king’s only
option…until he meets Nathan. This royal has always done things his
own way—and maybe now it’s time to go rogue.
Nathan Pratt doesn’t want much from
life except to raise his son and be happy. Dating isn’t on this
single father’s radar until he sees Charles in the castle solarium
and his heart goes out to the sad-looking man. Once he meets
Charles, he starts to think love might be possible. There’s just the
small issue of Charles being the king…
Will Nathan be able to handle the
glare of the spotlight with Charles beside him, or will the
notoriety that comes with dating a royal be too much?
He suffered through the interview and
expected the woman to bring up his string of
ex-boyfriends. Until his father had stepped down
as king, Charlie hadn’t expected to become the
leader so soon. He’d thought he had time to play
the field and find a husband properly.
He listened to the woman chatter, but
the view out of the windows caught his
attention. A man and a little boy were walking
along the brick path leading past the solarium.
Charlie wondered who the man was and why they
hadn’t met before. He knew the little
boy—Heather Dawn’s son, Emmett. The child wasn’t
the best at reading and Charlie recalled being
told the boy needed tutoring to get up to his
grade level. Was this man the tutor? Or Heather
Dawn’s new boyfriend? She had two young boys and
Charlie couldn’t imagine being a parent.
The man, though, caught Charlie’s
attention. The coat covered his frame, but he
appeared trim and Charlie liked the way the
slight winter breeze caught in his dark hair. He
had a thing for dark, brooding and handsome men.
Was this one brooding?
“Do you believe you’ll find a husband
before the deadline?” Lady Teresa asked. “Are
you aware Lender believes he’s next in line to
the throne?”
Shit. He needed to pay attention and
not watch the guy outside. “I’m confident I’ll
find someone, although I believe this decree to
be out of date. A ruler should be permitted to
choose a worthy partner on his or her own
“And Lender?” she asked.
“Has no connections to the crown. He’s
not in line.” Not if he had anything to say
about it.
Spencer nodded behind her. “Is that
your last question? The king is very busy and
needs to attend to the planning of the Christmas
“One more,” she said. “What would you
like to tell our readers and your loyal
subjects? Any words of wisdom?”
“Yes, I appreciate every one of my
subjects and I’m endeavoring to do what’s best
for all of them. We are a proud nation and
should be proud to be of the kingdom of
Lysianna. I am both humble and proud to be your
leader and hope to be for many years to come.”
God, he needed to work on his speaking skills.
“Thank you.” She stood and shook hands
with him. “It’s a pleasure to have interviewed
you. So easy.”
“You’re welcome here any time. Thank
you for interviewing me.” He stood and watched
the team pick up the gear. At least she hadn’t
begged him to pose in his crown.
He waited until the crew and
interviewer had left, then settled on the chair
again. “Spence? Anything else? I need a break.”
Spencer checked the tablet. “You have a
meeting with the planning commission for the
Christmas festivities. They wish to show you the
itinerary for the royal celebrations and will
want to incorporate the ball into their plans.
They’ve got in mind a rather large bash for the
New Year portion of the celebrations.”
“Of course.” He folded his arms and
looked out of the window again. “Who is the guy
with Emmett? Is he new?”
“Him?” Spencer rubbed his chin. “That’s
Nathan Pratt. He works as a tutor and with
archives. Seems bright and fair. I’m not sure if
he’s gay, but I was told he’d used a surrogate
to have his son. The surrogate is one of your
subjects, so since the child is half-Lysiannan,
Nathan was permitted to live here as he raised
the boy.” He eyed Charlie. “Do you wish to meet
“Maybe.” He wasn’t sure if he wanted to
make a move. Still, Nathan was handsome in a
faraway manner. He must be decent enough with
kids if he had one. But would he be dazzled by
Charlie’s role as the king and not genuine?
Coming Soon!